Sunday, January 13, 2008

Wonderful News! (Also, An Opportunity To Increase Knitting Skills)

My best friend back home, J., and her lovely boy, B., are getting married...!!!!! I am so excited for them I could just cry, but instead, I'm going to commit myself to laceweight and tiny needles and attempt a wedding shawl. I know there are books out there, so I'm going to take a look and consult with the ladies at my LYS and see what I can find. There's really nothing in the knitting world that I'm afraid off (except deadlines, and that applies to everything in my life, really) so I am totally going to take it on.

Watch this space for more information - and congrats to my lovelies :D

Sunday, January 6, 2008

2008: Ready, Set, Knit!

At least, that's how I'm looking at the year. I don't really have a whole lot by way of knitting goals, though I want to:

* sew up the cardigan I knitted for my mum-in-law for Christmas;
* knit the sweater I promised my dad-in-law for Christmas (I have ordered the yarn and picked a pattern! That's a start!);
* knit myself a sweater or cardigan;
* get all of my Christmas knitting done by the end of November;
* figure out all the maths so I have sock knitting down to a science.

That's a pretty modest list, right?

More later when I have access to my own computer and photos and an update on my works in progress! (So far for 2008: I'm in the middle of a thick-yarn cosy beanie as a birthday gift for a friend. I'm also expecting some dye-your-own sock yarn to show up in the mail any day now.)